What Can I do with Baby’s First Christmas Outfits?
It’s fast approaching again, lighter evenings slowly becoming shorter. A spell of Indian summer that leads to a feeling that it will be Autumn soon enough and before we know it; winter is on it’s way. That means Christmas!
It’s an exquisite time, for you and your new born to experience their first Christmas and festivities. It’s a time of creating first memories that will be remembered forever. It’s also time for baby’s first Christmas outfit!
With all the love and excitement that goes into making that day special, parents can go all out on dressing their new born in a delicious new outfit, ready for Christmas. There will be plenty of pictures to record and look back on, when your child is older they will be able to see ‘My first Christmas outfit’.
But, what happens to those beautiful tiny garments once the day is done? When bath time wraps up the long day of laughter and copious amounts of food, consumed by the adults of course! The clothes are then placed on the hamper, ready to be washed and packed away.
Alas, they won’t fit your bundle of joy in a few months, so what can you do with them? You want to preserve the memories and have a reminder of their first Christmas, something special that you can pull out and help relive those moments and recall stories.
You have several options on what you could do with those little clothes. Either give them away to charity for someone else to enjoy, but then your memories go with them. Keep them for a future sibling or your grandchildren. Or… you can recycle them into a keepsake!
Enter In Craft Corner expertise in making keepsakes. Let me produce one
for you.
You can take the clothes or soft items that you want to preserve into something that you can keep and appreciate rather than the original clothing gathering mothballs and dust. There are many options for you to choose from, to make your baby’s first keepsake:
- Baby’s Christmas stocking
- Keepsake bear from baby clothes
- Christmas blanket
I think that producing a keepsake in the form of a Christmas stocking, making it your baby’s first Christmas keepsake, is so such a lovely thing to have.
What I do, is take the clothes and make them into a cuddly toy, blanket, or Christmas stocking. Making it a great new gift as well as storing your memories that you can have on display and make practical use of too!
As an experienced keepsake maker every care is taken when handling the clothes you give me. I have been making them for several years now and have many pictures I can send you of the completed keepsakes. Just because the clothes have been cut up, looking at them again will still spark that memory to life.
If you want to find out more about the services and wonderful products that I can provide, click on the links below to find out more.
Keepsake Bears
Keepsake Animals
Christmas Stockings
Memory Blankets
It’s a shame to leave them in a box, they hold so many amazing memories that should be treasured. You only go through things for the first time once and those memories are often remembered beyond any others – because they are so precious.
If you have seen something that you love, just send me an email or on
Messenger and ask away. I can get in my corner and start crafting your

Check out the 6 things to consider before having a keepsake made
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